Original plates

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What is originality ?

Originality is the ability to express oneself in an individual unique way, in a creative or artistic or scientific skill.
Additionally, originality is the freshness and the novelty of an idea, a method, a performance and / or an art form.

Visions Gourmandes presents an extraordinary opportunity in this Folder, to show case teams of Culinary Chefs who have presented their exceptional dishes.

Each of these Chefs, were given a Mystery Basket of Ingredients, and henceforth have featured their signature original dishes.

Do you have a favorite ?


Here's a new thematic album to give you inspiration for your next presentation plates with this theme :

You will find in this thematic album, a compilation of the best presentations that we could find on the subject.

You can see all the pictures on this theme in the corresponding album :

>  Galleries / Thematic albums

If you wish to publish a photo to add to this topic, do not hesitate to send it to us using our   > Formulaire de Contact

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