Color… Around black – Thema

picto filet rouge titre

Black is a color field combining the darkest shades. 
Black thus opposes all colors; but mostly white, clearest of all colors. 
In contrast, the black helps showcase all colors. 
And in the kitchen, even if the use of black is rare, some designers do not hesitate to use this color to add originality to their presentations.


Here's a new thematic album to give you inspiration for your next presentation plates with this theme :

> See this theme

You will find in this thematic album, a compilation of the best presentations that we could find on the subject.
You can see all the pictures on this theme in the corresponding album :

>  Galleries / Thematic albums

If you wish to publish a photo to add to this topic, do not hesitate to send it to us using our   > Formulaire de Contact

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picto filet rouge titre
